Building Robust API Clients with ✅Refit REST Library in C#

R M Shahidul Islam Shahed
4 min readSep 14, 2024

Refit is a powerful REST client library for .NET that simplifies building API clients by automatically generating boilerplate code for HTTP requests.

Building Robust API Clients with ✅Refit REST Library in C#

With Refit, developers define API endpoints using C# interfaces, and the library handles the rest, making the client implementation cleaner, more testable, and less error-prone. Let’s walk through how to use Refit to build a robust API client in C#.

Why Use Refit?

  • Reduced Boilerplate: No need to manually create HTTP requests.
  • Strongly Typed: Compile-time checks for the structure of API requests and responses.
  • Easy Integration: Works well with Dependency Injection and popular HTTP clients like HttpClient.
  • Testability: Since API clients are defined using interfaces, they can be easily mocked for unit tests.

1. Create a New ASP.NET Web API Project

dotnet new webapi -n RefitRESTLib
cd RefitRESTLib
Building Robust API Clients with ✅Refit REST Library in C#

2. Installing Refit

