C# Switch Case with 💻Lamda Expression

R M Shahidul Islam Shahed
3 min readSep 13, 2023

In C#, the switch statement is used for conditional branching based on the value of an expression. It allows you to compare the expression against multiple possible constant values (cases) and execute the code block associated with the first matching case. The switch statement provides a more concise way to handle multiple conditional branches compared to using a series of if-else if statements.

C# Switch Case with Lamda Expression

Switch Case: Before Using Lambda Expressions

public static class WithoutLambdaExpressions
public static string GetLetterGrade(int numericalGrade)
string letterGrade;

switch (numericalGrade)
case int n when n >= 90:
letterGrade = "A";
case int n when n >= 80:
letterGrade = "B";
case int n when n >= 70:
letterGrade = "C";
case int n when n >= 60:
letterGrade = "D";
letterGrade = "F";

return letterGrade;

In this example:

  1. The program prompts the user to enter a…

