Object Composition C# Example

R M Shahidul Islam Shahed
4 min readSep 11, 2023

Object composition is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that refers to the practice of creating complex objects or systems by combining simpler objects, or components, in a way that allows them to work together to achieve a higher-level functionality. It’s a key principle that promotes reusability, modularity, and flexibility in software design.

Object Composition C# Example

Here are some key points to understand about object composition:

  1. Composition Over Inheritance: Object composition is often favored over inheritance as a means of building complex objects. Inheritance (subclassing) can lead to tight coupling between classes, making the system less flexible and harder to maintain. Composition, on the other hand, promotes loose coupling and greater flexibility.
  2. Components: In object composition, components are individual objects with specific responsibilities or functionalities. These components can be instances of different classes, and they are combined to create a more complex object.
  3. Has-A Relationship: Object composition typically represents a “has-a” relationship, where an object contains or is composed of other objects. For example, a car “has-a” engine, and a computer “has-a” CPU.
  4. Encapsulation: Each component in the composition maintains its own state and behavior, encapsulating its…

